
The beginning of the library was set in 1907, when the Archaeological Society "Augusta Trayana" was established. In the first reports of the association from 1911-1915, in the "Library" section, was given the account of the number of purchased books – 35, and valuable gifts from Atanas A. Makakov, Czech graduate (200 books) and Atanas Iliev (400 books) . In the early 20s of 20th century the book fund increased to 1180 volumes, and at the end of 2011 reached 11,518 volumes. In the period from 1987 to 1996, the library has a professional librarian - Elena Frateva. During the rest of the time period for keeping the library are responsible tour guides: to 1987 - Stoyka Kayrakova, after 1996 - Elena Georgieva.

From 2007 the library has an independent book depository and a small reading room. It is scientific and specialized according to the profile of the museum. Literature on archeology, history, ethnography, numismatics, art and museum work is stored there.


The library fund is enlarged through purchasing new books, donations and book exchange. In 2007 and 2008 the museum library participates in the programme "Bulgarian Libraries - modern centers of Reading and Information" of the Ministry of Culture with 3 projects in total amount of 6,000 levs. This initiative enriches the fund with newly published literature. Thanks to the generosity of authors and sponsors of the museum, the number of the volumes in the library increases.

Especially valuable is the literature provided through book exchange. The museum maintains relationships with other museums, universities and institutes in Bulgaria and abroad (England, Germany, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, France, Hungary, the Czech Republic, etc.). Besides scientific monographs, the library receives also periodicals such as:

  • Kölner jahrbuch - periodical for archaeological studies of Roman-German Museum in Cologne,
  • Materialy Archeologiczne Nowej Huty and Biblioteka museum archeologicznego w Krakowie of the Archaeological Museum in Krakow, Poland;
  • Historica Carpatica - edition of the museum in Kosice, Slovakia;
  • Oxoniensia and The antiquares journal of Ashmolskiya Museum in Oxford, England, where treasure from Dalboshka Tomb is exposed;
  • Communicationes archaeologicae Hungariae and Folia of museum in Budapest, Hungary;
  • Acta mvsei napocensis of Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Archeologia Moldovei of the Institute of Archaeology at the Romanian Academy of Science, the branch in Iasi;
  • Kraevedcheskie notes of Samara Regional Museum, Russia.

The major mission of the library is to procure and store information that is the basis of for the research of the museum specialists and this is the reason why books are not lent.
In the process of developing an electronic catalog.


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