Ethnography Department was set up in 1956. As curators and a head of the unit were employed Elena Peneva, Penka Duhleva, Pepa Vladova and Peter Cacheshmarov.
The Department collects and stores artifacts revealing the traditional material and ecclesiastical culture, the urban life in Stara Zagora region between XIX century and the first half of XX century. The main fund of the department consists of 6000 units, and the scientific-auxiliary one consists of more than 1000 fund units.
Head of department:
Assoc. Prof. Evgenia I. Ivanova, PhD
Tel: +359 884 477 127
Significant collections in the fund:
- Traditional female (sukmanena and sayana) and male black-colored costume from the Thracian region
- Women's jewelry - pins, pendants, foreheads, chinstraps, accessories for hair, earrings, belt buckles, pectoral ornaments, metal belts, bracelets, rings and more.
- Traditional folk fabrics - for garment (homespun hemp, linen, cotton and silk cloths, aprons, belts); for the needs of interior (pillows, blankets, diapers, carpets, rugs, rugs); for use in the household and farm (bread cloths, towels, bags, saddlebags, strainers)
- Ceramics - containers for storing food products (pots, jars, vinegar and oil containers, etc..) for preparation and handling of food (casseroles, pots, colanders, food containers etc..) for food and beverage (bowls, plates, cups, pitchers, and others)
- Household crafts and furnishings – tools for woman’s duties, household items and home furnishings
- Craftsman toolsets and articles of wood carving (spoons, spoon holders, shepherd cups, Communion Bread (bread stamps), distaffs, yokes, crooks, cowl staffs, chairs, tables); smithery (tools for work and fireplace tools), copper-smithery (jugs, copper dishes, pots, boilers, etc.)
- Ritual breads
- Church Plate (crosses, chalices, candle extinguishers, censers), icons
- Furniture and belongings of the interior of an urban home